The Farmers Daughters Shop, Gifts, Crafts, Antiques, Country Lines
We carry gifts, crafts, antiques, country lines, Willow Tree, Country House, and more. Located in Wellsboro PA.
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International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP, ISDUP) website
The International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers (DUP, ISDUP) was organized 11 April 1901. We seek to educate the public about their Utah pioneer forebears. A pioneer is an ancestor who came to the Utah Territory/State of Deseret; died crossing the plains; or was born in the Utah Territory/State of Deseret before May 10, 1869, the coming of the railroad. The International Society Daughters of Utah Pioneers (ISDUP, DUP) was organized for historical and educational purposes and is non-political and non-sectarian. It's dedicated to perpetuating the names and achievements of pioneers who founded Utah.
Dupinternational.org ~
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