Guang Yi Temple ~ The Discipline Path for Spirit, Human and Deity
Guang Yi Temple,Ji Gong Buddha,Xuan Tian Shang Di,DaoJi,Yuan Xuan Saint Buddha, Ji Gong Saint Buddha, Ji Gong Attorney, Holy,Buddha,Guang Yi Temple, Ji Shun Buddha, Ji Gong Buddha, Consummating, greenhouse effect, El Nino, La Nina, crisis, Self-Reliance, the last days of earth, airstream,surviviability,溫室效應,反聖嬰,聖嬰現象,自立救濟,劫數,自救,收圓二林萬合廣懿宮,三界收圓大廟,濟公活佛,玄天上帝,濟公禪師, 道濟禪師, 濟公聖佛, 天真古佛,圓玄聖佛,濟公律師,張庭禎,張庭蔚,老前人,中元普渡,禮斗,請示身體,事業,工作,運途,家運, 陽宅, 陰宅,收驚, 解厄, 車過火, 求保身符,平安燈,安太歲, 安公媽等. 慈悲無國界
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Allah nor
It is false to call Islam Muhammadanism, as has been done so frequently in the West. We have already pointed out that Muslims believe that Islam is the eternal message which Allah sent to all prophets, peace be upon them, from the dawn of mankind, and not a new belief which began with the Prophet Muhammad (praise and peace be
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