First International Workshop on Job and Service Delegation in Complex Networks (JOSED'2009)
Job and service delegation are well-known areas of interest in organizational fields such as task scheduling and workflow management. However, delegation models in these areas suffer from incomplete understanding, because research in such fields has generally dealt with relatively simple network settings. As we revisit Conway's Law, we find evidence of important interplays between communication, organization and product design structures. The possible combination of several networks into a single complex network brings new cross-cutting concerns. Therefore, research issues and solutions may be gathered and tried from diverse fields such as ad hoc networks, workflow management, artificial intelligence, collaborative software development, CSCW, etc. This workshop provides a forum for exchanging problems, methods, models, and insights about delegation in complex networks. It aims at bringing together researchers in the areas of social networks, communication networks and product design in search for common understanding of the subject of delegation in complex networks.
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