Delphi 2010 блог
Блог посвящен Delphi, технологиям разработки, используемым в Delphi, компонентам и продуктам, используемым в процессе создания Delphi приложений. вы можете узнать где и как купить Delphi, какую версию продукта выбрать для себя
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DELPHI AREA is a Delphi resource website offering freeware and open source Delphi components, packages, and applications. DELPHI AREA has also a forum to discuss and answer the questions about Delphi programming.
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Delphi is a leading global supplier for the automotive, computing, communications, energy, and consumer accessories markets.
Corporate website for Delphi - a leading global supplier for the automotive, computing, communications, energy, and consumer accessories markets. Headquartered in Troy, Mich., Delphi has more than 100,000 employees in 32 countries.
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