Detection - Metal Detector Services vendita noleggio e assistenza cercametalli georadar - Brisighella (Ravenna)
Detection: Metal detector, Georadar OKM, blisstool, rex, Cercametalli, nuovi e usati, manuale in Italiano, noleggio cercametalli da profondità, rex relicscan, rex landa craft, rex delta 6, Pulse stars II, riparazione, DETECH - EXCELERATOR, S.E.F, Tutto sul metal detector. Distribuzione ufficiale Italia OKM, VIKING, BLISSTOOL, REX metal detectors, Treasure Hunting, goldcentury, ups
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Foreign Object Debris (FOD) detection information and independent advice. Specifically regarding the four systems currently on the market, i.e. Tarsier (QinetiQ), iFerret (Stratech), Fod Finder (Trex Enterprises) and FODetect (Xsight).
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