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Quadri, dipinti, pitture e sculture dell’artista Wilfred Kappa a Lignano Pineta (UD). Pictures, paintings, sculptures and paintings of the artist Wilfred Kappa in Lignano Pineta (UD)
Wilfred Kappa: sito ufficiale dellartista di Instanbul che vive a Lignano Pineta (UD). Quadri e dipinti, pitture e sculture di colori esplosivi su materiali diversi come plexiglass, tele, vetro, legno, di varie dimensioni e forme. Esegue anche lavori personalizzati a richiesta. Wilfred Kappa: official web site of the Artist from Istanbul living in Lignano Pineta (UD), Italy. Pictures, paintings and sculptures made of explosive and strong colors, on different materials such as plexiglass, canvas, glass, wood, of various sizes and shapes. Customization on request.
Wilfredkappa.com ~
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