Disabilities: 24,743 results found.
Davidson Homes - serving people with developmental disabilities
Davidson homes website providing information regarding the services we provide to people with developmental disabilities, autism, and mental illness. Training information for staff. Developmental disabilities, mental retardation, Autism, Mental illness, AFL, Support services, CAP, supported living, respite, personal care, day hab, supported employment, developmental disability, down syndrome.
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Tools & Resources for NH People with Disabilities
Founded in 1980, Granite State Independent Living (GSIL) is a statewide nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote life with independence for people with disabilities and those experiencing the natural process of aging through advocacy, information, education and support. We recognize the fact that everyone will need some type of support in the course of their lives and offer the necessary tools and resources so individuals can participate as fully as they choose in their lives, families, and communities.
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