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Discourse: 2,179 results found.

missingdiscourse.com missing: discourse - Ein Opernlibretto von Moussa Kone, Erwin Uhrmann und Martin Haltrich
missing: discourse ist ein Opernlibretto, das von Moussa Kone (Zeichnung), Erwin Uhrmann (Text) und Martin Haltrich (Musik) gemeinsam komponiert wurde. Es handelt von einem jungen Künstler, der auf der Suche nach ernsthafter Auseinandersetzung mit Kunst ist.
Missingdiscourse.com  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  
dockdiscourse.com Dock Discourse | Home Page
Dock Discourse is a multi- disciplinary art project made in response to the planned redevelopment of the Dockland Area of Galway City. Visual Artists, Architects, Contemporary Dancers, Musicians, Poets and Literary Artists have be asked to respond to the notion of change and ownership of this historical area of Galway. Informed by recent Socio-Political Events, Historical facts, local folklore and urban legend, the artists will intervene in the area known as the Docks.
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discourse-es.com Home - Discourse-ES UG,Sprachtraining,Gruppenunterricht,Testvorbereitung.
Sprachtraining :Einzelunterricht; Intensives, individualisiertes training. Gruppenunterricht; Kommunikativer, interaktiver Gruppenunterricht, der sich auf Ihre Gruppen- bzw. Firmenziele konzentriert.
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Similar Sites: discourse-es.de
Yckbc.org  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  
olivet-discourse-revelation.com Olivet Discourse
Olivet Discourse harmonized with the book of Revelation
Olivet-discourse-revelation.com  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  
Similar Sites: olivetdiscourserevelation.com
discourseandfunction.com Discourse and Function: A Framework of Sentence Structure
This web site publishes a book, under the title “Discourse and Function”, which advances a new, concise, and powerful method for describing how language works.
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psychdiscourse.com Psych Discourse
Association of Black Psychologists Psych Discourse
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Similar Sites: psychdiscourse.net
thepublicdiscourse.com Public Discourse
Public Discourse: Ethics, Law, and the Common Good is an online publication of the Witherspoon Institute that seeks to enhance the public understanding of the moral foundations of free societies by making the scholarship of the fellows and affiliated scholars of the Institute available and accessible to a general audience.
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intellectualdiscourse.com intellectual discourse
Intellectualdiscourse.com  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  
discourseformychildren.com Discourse For My Children
Discussions on life and experiences, from a father to his children…
Discourseformychildren.com  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  

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