Metálicas Dominguez S.L.
Nuestra empresa, líder nacional en el ramo desde 1.965 en somieres plegables y distintos herrajes para tapizados, que siempre se ha distinguido por la gran variedad de los mismos, rapidez en el servicio, y con reconocida garatía, siguiendo la línea de renovación y evolución continua, tiene el placer de presentarles la más completa y variada exposición de fabricados, somieres plegables para sofá cama, desde el clásico al más moderno en los que no podía faltar la incorporación del colchón de muelles, bisagras para cabeceros de varias medidas y su correspondiente sujección, piezas para rinconeras, bastidores de asiento, sillones abatibles sin y con motor
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Home » Creative Internet Development Services - International » Europe » Germany
Development Platform With the help of CSS, JavaScript, HTML and Wordpress in conjunction with a specially developed LAMP-Environment I use my many years experience to create broadly scoped, professional and cost effective solutions for my in customers in as little as just a few days. To ensure your projects perform as expected, I conduct extensive testing in a private test environment. These methods guarantee that your new Web-presentation will function equally well in all modern Operating Systems and Browsers before it goes public. Your Development Partner ... Welcomes You! My experience in the communications industry goes back to the beginnings of today's modern Internet. As an early user of the US Dept. of Defence's ARPANET (DARPA) I gained a substantial head start in the industry. As a result, I now have over 16 years experience in Web-site development. As a lead developer for one of Germany's leading technology companies, I developed multilingual database content modules for the deployment in major Web-portals including Compuserve, Estateworld, Immowelt, Remax and Yahoo. Since 2001 my own company innovates real world solutions for small to mid-sized companies for German, European and international companies. Further information about my products and services can be found on the following pages of this Web-site. Should you have questions or would like to request additional information, please feel free to contact me. Albert Dominguez
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