Owen Phillips
Owen Phillips - a resume site about Owen Phillips and the work he does. Includes: resume, gallery of work related images, scientific publications, & contact information.
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DTI - Diagnostics Techniques Immobiliers : Amiante, Plomb, Carrez, Performances Energétiques, Risques Naturels -
Corbeil (91100).Cabinet DTI, cabinet de diagnostics techniques en immobiliers (DEVIS GRATUIT), état parasitaire, recherche et diagnostic amiante, termites, plomb, mesurage loi Carrez, diagnostic de performance énergétique (D.P.E), diagnostic électricité et gaz, prêt à taux zéro. Indépendants de toute société de traitement et soucieux du respect de la loi, nous intervenons en région parisienne (91, 92, 94, 77, 75, Hauts de Seine, Essonne, Paris, Seine et marne, val de marne),ile de france.
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DTI | Dental Technologies Inc
In the many years that DTI | Dental Technologies Inc has served the dental profession, our primary objectives have always remained constant: consistently striving to fabricate high-quality restorations in a customer service oriented culture. We believe the enthusiasm and pride our employees take in your final result differentiate us from other laboratories and will continue to elevate your dentistry (M)
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