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Hydrangea Tree
There are 35 species of family hydrangea tree found in genus ubiquitous mainly in East Asia and Northern and Southern America. They grow beautifully in the outdoors in many climate zones. Perhaps the only large-hydrangea fall out of the list, it pretty much less frost than other plants of this species and it is therefore widely used, mainly in the south, but fortunately in our band hydrangea grows easily in pots to decorate the conservatory or as ornamental plant in the interiors. Hydrangea Paniculate Ornamental shrub, deciduous, huge-leaved, it is very difficult to find large-sized shrubs with lots of flowers, which are grouped into large florets. The flowers are of two types: numerous small, fruits, usually located in the middle of the inflorescence and deadlines - are large enough, do not bring fruits, petals from 4-5, most of the time the snow-white, blue or pink. Fruit of hydrangeas - 2-5-split box with many small seeds.
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