Eacute: 3,566 results found.
Net Café Learning Center
The Net Café is where people can network and grow their skills, on demand, in a safe, secure and social setting. Unlike other networking organizations, you're free to come and enjoy the facility and spend as much time with other members as you like.
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Thalispa La santé par l'eau
Savoir gérer ses émotions, son stress, son temps. S’exprimer, rire, se respecter. Se faire confiance, image de soi. Technique d’automassage. Aromathérapie, Approche médecine traditionnelle chinoise et ayurvédique. Massages traditionnels à Fougeres 35, Ille et Vilaine. Offrez les cartes cadeaux. Relaxation et activités aquatique, aquagym, hammam, sauna.
Thalispa.com ~
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