High Pressure Homogenizer Manufacturer,Colloid Mill in China
Donghua is high pressure homogenizer manufacturer in China since 1984, offer colloid mill, industrial and laboratory homogenizer for food, beverage, chemical and pharmaceutical industry. Our homogenizer is up to 150Mpa, we use Nanometer technology in making homogenizer, we are Chinese large homogenizer supplier, our homogenizer also applied in petroleum chemical and bio-engineering industry, got ISO9001 certificate for homogenizers, we provide lifetime service for high pressure homogenizer and colloid mill, we are in Shanghai, welcome.
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Inkjet Photo Paper,Inkjet Cartridge Manufacturer China
Colorway is China inkjet photo paper manufacturer, offer inkjet high glossy paper, inkjet artist canvas, matte paper, inkjet cartridge and toner cartridge. We also provide smooth heat transfer paper, waterproof inkjet and laser printing media products. Ink and inkjet cartridge is for EPSON, CANON large format printer. Toner cartridge is for DELL, SAMSUNG, HP printing machine. High glossy inkjet photo paper and artist canvas is for photographic print. Our home and office printing consumables are used by LENOVO AVERY. We also serve customers with OEM packing, plastic insert sheet, color box and foil bag packing is available, welcome.
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المورفالين,اليوريا,البولة مادة متبلورة,المورفالين الكيميائي,Morpholine
Haoyuan هو صانع المورفالين Morpholine في الصين. المورفالين تطبيقاتها واسعة . تطبق على مجالات مبيد الحشرات , الطب , الطب الحيواني , النفط . لأن خصائصها كيميائية , المورفالين Morpholine وقد أصبحت واحدة من صناعات البتروكيماويات مع الاستخدام التجاري الكبير الآن . لجعل عملائنا الحصول على فهم أفضل المنتجات , نقدم المعلومات التالية. تستخدم المورفالين Morpholine دائما لتصنيع حفازة مطاطية مثل NOBS , OTOS , MDS , وعامل الكبريتيد مثل DT-DM , عامل مزيل الصدأ , عامل معاداة الحارقة , مطهر / مادة مانعة للفساد , عامل فعال سطحي , طباعة النسيج وعامل الصباغة , عامل التبييض البصري , الطلاء الكيميائي , مضادات الأكسدة , عامل تحليل بالماء hydrolyzing , عامل محافظة الفواكه , مزيل الروائح , عامل التبييض والمذيبات العضوية.
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Morpholine,Urea,Rubber Accelerant,Chemical Morpholine,China Morpholine Manufacturer
Haoyuan is China morpholine manufacturer and urea supplier, offer morpholine for medicine, pesticide, animal medicine, petroleum and extraction of coke aromatic hydrocarbon fields. Morpholine is colorless, volatile, hygroscopic liquid with amine-like odor, miscible with water and organic solvents. Morpholine is used to make rubber accelerant, sulfuration agent, cleanser, descaling agent, antirust, anti-scorching agent, antiseptic, surfactant, textile printing and dyeing agent, optical bleaching agent, chemical plating bath, antioxidant, hydrolyzing agent, initiator, fruit preserving agent, deodorizer, brightener and organic solvents. Morpholine is also used for antirust, descaling and metal cleaning, especially for antirust and anticorrosive in high temperature conditions. Morpholine can be used as descaling agent in boiler maintenance field. Owing to unique chemical character, morpholine has become important fine petroleum chemical products. Quality urea and morpholine are provided at low price, welcome.
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Morfolina,Urea,Acelerador de goma,Morfolina del uso químico
Haoyuan es un fabricante de morfolina y urea en China. Nuestros productos incluyen urea, fertilizantes, plaguicidas de morfolina, morfolina para yacimientos, morfolina para limpieza, morfolina anticorrosión. La morfolina es un líquido incoloro, volátil, higroscópico, con olor característico similar al de una amina, miscible con agua y muchos solventes orgánicos. Para ser más específicos la morfolina es ampliamente utilizada para producir aceleradores de caucho tales como NOBS, OTOS y MDS, agentes de sulfuración como DT-DM, limpiadores, descalcificadores, antioxidantes, anti-abrasadores, agentes antiséptico, impresión de surfactante, textiles y agentes de teñido, agentes de blanqueo óptico, revestimientos químico de baño, agentes de hidrólisis, agentes de conservación de frutas, desodorantes, blanqueadores y solventes orgánicos. Su aplicación en campos como la medicina, pesticidas, medicamentos veterinarios, explotación petrolera y la extracción de hidrocarburos aromáticos de choque se ha desarrollado sin cesar. Nuestros productos se caracterizan por su alta eficiencia multi funcionalidad, dos años de vida útil, y por su fácil almacenamiento.
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Diesel Engine,Gasoline Generator,China Diesel Generator Manufacturer
Zhongtian is China engine and generator manufacturer, offer diesel engine, portable diesel generator, gasoline engine, gasoline generator and water pump. We can make over 90 kinds of four-stroke gasoline generator, diesel engine, gasoline water pump and generator sets. Our company has advanced die casting machines, engine production lines, generator production lines with annual production capacity of one million units of diesel and gasoline engines and generators. We cooperate with Japan FUJI Heavy Industries, Italy VICTA, America TTI to make quality engines and generators. Our diesel engine, portable generator and water pump come with one-year warranty, welcome.
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آلات بناء BH-span,آلة تشكيل السقف
Bohai لمعدات تشكيل صفائح الفولاذية الملونة, احدى مصنعين و موردين آلات التشكيل في الصين, يوفر أيضا خدمات OEM. نحن متخصصون في مجال التصنيع كل من آلات بناء الصفيحة القوسية BH-span ، آلات تشكيل السقوف، الستيل المغطى بالطلاء، و غيرها من آلات التشكيل. هذه الآلات من الامكان استخدامها في العديد من الأماكن و في العديد من المجالات و في مناطق عديدة ككل من المستودعات والقاعات والمطاعم والمسارح والمرائب ومحطات السكك الحديدية و حتى للمنازل الخاصة أو غيرها العديد.
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Gear Reducer,Industrial Gearbox,Worm Reducer,China Gearbox Manufacturer
Starred-river is China industrial gearbox manufacturer and gear reducer supplier. We offer helical reducer, worm gearbox, hardened gear reducer, planetary gear reducer and electric roller. We can provide arc cylinder, shaft mounted, cylinder and aluminum worm gearboxes. Our industrial gear reducer and gearbox are used in metallurgy, mining, water conservation, construction and printing fields. Our gearbox is idea mechanical device for transferring power and torque. We adopt advanced equipment for manufacturing quality gearbox and gear reducer, heat treatment is available for helical reducer, planetary gear reducer and worm gearbox, welcome.
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Projector Lamp,Projector Bulb,Projector Lamp Manufacturer,Projector Service China
We are China projector lamp manufacturer, offer Sony, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Hitachi projector lamp. Our projector lamp is for multimedia education equipment like classroom projector. We provide projector repair service by providing projector bulb, projector parts of LCD display, polarizer, motherboard, video board and power supply. Our projector lamp is of long life, low price, used with projector and projector screen. Our projector lighting lamp is also for military, telecommunication, financial and medical fields. We are projector lamp OEM, provide in time projector service in customer needs, welcome.
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