Euclidean: 96 results found.
Euclidean Relativity
Portal to authors and articles on special and general relativity in Euclidean space-time using proper time as fourth dimension. Summary of principles. Extrapolations to fractal universe and propellant-less propulsion. ~
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Convex Optimization - Home
Optimization is the science of making a best choice in the face of conflicting requirements. Any convex optimization problem has geometric interpretation. If a given optimization problem can be transformed to a convex equivalent, then this interpretive benefit is acquired. That is a powerful attraction: the ability to visualize geometry of an optimization problem. Conversely, recent advances in geometry hold convex optimization within their proofs' core. This book is about convex optimization, convex geometry (with particular attention to distance geometry), geometrical problems, and problems that can be transformed into geometrical problems. Euclidean distance geometry is, fundamentally, a determination of point conformation from interpoint distance information; e.g., given only distance information, determine whether there corresponds a realizable configuration of points; a list of points in some dimension that attains the given interpoint distances., Expert information on convex optimization expert calculus of inequalities ~
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