![bizerba-openworld.de](http://dlcache.com/sthumb/78a/bizerba-openworld.de.gif) |
Bizerba Openworld - Startseite
Bizerba ist ein weltweit operierendes, in vielen Bereichen marktführendes Technologieunternehmen für professionelle Systemlösungen der Wäge-,Etikettier-, Informations- und Food-Servicetechnik in den Segmenten Retail, Food-Industrie, produzierendes Gewerbe und Logistik. Branchenspezifische Hard- und Software, leistungsstarke netzwerkfähige Managementsysteme sowie ein breites Angebot von Labels, Consumables und Business Services sorgen für die transparente Steuerung integrierter Geschäftsprozesse und die hohe Verfügbarkeit der Bizerba-spezifischen Leistungsmerkmale.
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![spangleystrips.com](http://dlcache.com/sthumb/3a6/spangleystrips.com.gif) |
Spangleys | Spangleys.co.uk
We are the world-wide suppliers of Reflectoboards and Reflectostrips based in Thatcham, Berkshire- two glittering, shimmering and sparkling products which are used by some of the biggest names in the world, to give MOVEMENT and LIGHT to their signage, billboards, window displays, concerts, trade shows, fashion shows, television sets and photo shoots. Reflecto-lite boards and strips are both made up of shimmering mirrored discs, which catch all natural or projected light and throw back a magnified sparkle of brilliantly multicoloured highlights in random patterns. These discs are moved by any slight air movement and in unison with light, create a magnificent display in any circumstance.
Reflectoboards come with circular discs (3 cm / 1.2 in. diameter) to be attached to black plastic backing panels which are 25cm by 25cm (8 rows x 8 columns holding a total of 64 discs).
Reflectostrips come with octagonal discs attached to individual pegs on a clear plastic backing strips (30.5 cm / 1 ft long).
With our Canadian partner, Superior Signs supplying these products since 1986 we have the expertise and experience to make your project a success.
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![pastorkalt.com](http://dlcache.com/sthumb/e1c/pastorkalt.com.gif) |
Pastorkalt pokrýva svojou výrobou obslužné chladiace a nízkoteplotné vitríny, pečivárske a manipulačné pulty, rybacie, šalátové chladené vitríny a cukrárske vitríny, ako aj kompletný sortiment prístenných vitrín.V poslednom čase pribudli prístenné vitríny pre výrobcov potravín, mraziace otvorené vane s agregátom.
Pastorkalt.com ~
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