Bill O'Hara: Consulting Cost Engineer
Bill O'Hara Consulting Cost Engineer: Estimating Service. A cost effective solution for cost analysis and estimating support. As a producer/evaluator of facts, the cost engineer perceives and explains risks to the client, as well as offering possible solutions. The cost engineer is a resource of analytical and organizational power that allows clients to use their money efficiently, a professional who worries about your money before you spend it, so you won't have to worry afterwards.
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DURAG, Verewa, Hegwein, Orfeus, Absperrventile, Analyse, Beta, Bildverarbeitung, BImSchV, Datenübertragung, Dauerbetrieb, Dichtheitskontrollgerät, Differenzdruck, Druckwächter, Einzelbrenner, Emission, Emissionsrechner, Feuerungsautomaten, Feuerungstechnik, Filterwächter, Flamme, Flammenfühler, Flammenwächter, Gasbrenner, Gasturbinen, Hochenergie, Hochspannung, Immission, intermittierend, Kaltstelle, Kaltstellenkompensation, Kaltstellenkompensator,Kanalbrenner, Klassifizierung, Laser, Lichtwellenleiter, Mehrbrenner, Messgerät, Messtechnik, Messung, Ölzündbrenner, Online, Opazität, Optimierung, optisch, Prozessdaten, Quecksilber, Rauchdichte, Rechner, Ruß, Rußzahl, Schaltgerät, Schornstein, Schwenkbrenner, Sensoren, Sensorik, Sonde, Staub, Staubkonzentration, Staubmessung, Streulicht, Thermische Nachverbrennung, Transmission, Tribo, Tunnel, Überwachung, Ultraschall, Umweltanalytik, Umweltmesstechnik, Video, Visualisierung,Volumenstrom, Zement, Zündbrenner, Zündgerät, Zweistoff, DURAG, Verewa, Hegwein, Orfeus, shut off valves, analysis, beta, image processing, BImSchV, data transfer, continuous operation, valve proving, differential pressure, pressure switch, single burner, emission, emission evaluator, burner control, combustion technology, filter monitor, flame, flame sensor, flame scanner, flame monitor, gas burner, gas turbine, high energy, hesy, high voltage, ambient, intermittend, cold junction, cold junction compensation, cold junction compensator, duct burner, classification, laser, fibre optics, multiple burner, measuring device, meter, monitor, monitoring, measuring, oil igniter,oil ignitor, online, opacity, optimization, optimisation, optical, process data, mercury, opacity, evaluator, computer, soot, smoke spot number, control unit, stack, tilting burner, sensor, sensoric, probe, dust, dust concentration, dust concentration monitoring, back scattering, post combustion, transmission, tribo, tunnel, monitoring, ultrasonic, environmental
analysis, environmental monitoring, video, visualization, visualisation, volume flow, cement, ignitor, igniter, pilot burner, ignition device, dual fuel
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Impactivism, LLC :: People. Data. Impact.
At Impactivism, LLC, we provide collaborative program evaluation and evaluation education for non-profits and community organizations. As a nonprofit ourselves, we understand that most community organizations are working with limited resources. Our team is crafted to provide you with the widest range of available expertise at an affordable cost. Just like many of the nonprofits we partner with, Impactivism uses a mix of staff, volunteers, and board members to plan for and deliver high quality services. Our clients include community organizations of all types, from nonprofits and advocacy groups to faith-based entities and foundations. In particular, we aim to serve organizations with one or more of the following characteristics:
Newly emerging organizations or emerging programs within an established organization
Organizations interested in developing the evaluation skills of their internal staff
Small to medium-sized organizations committed to evaluation, but with limited resources
Organizations interested in a collaborative relationship with an evaluator who can provide flexible ongoing services.
Learn more at http://impactivism.org/impactivism/
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