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dylanthomas19.com Dylan Thomas, 19 -
Dylan Thomas, 19.
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dontjustsayno.com Don't Just Say No - Give A Great Excuse!
Effective and believable excuses for any situation with health excuses written by a medical doctor.
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playitbelize.com Play It Belize, A Guide book, game, souvenir - Mesa Somer
Play It Belize is a guide book to the most esssential Belize sights and experiences.
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jezebelnoel.com Jezebel Noel
Aspiring Author on the rise
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manuscriptsonline.com.au :: Manuscripts Online :: Welcome ::
Manuscripts Online: a professional manuscript assessment service for writers of fiction and non-fiction manuscripts.
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wisdomwellsaid.com Wisdom Well Said collected by Charles Francis, anecdotes, humor
Major anecdote collection makes valuablebook. Pick up a copy of the newly published book. Pick up a copy of the newly published book, Wisdom Well Said, open to any page and start reading. There you will find example after example of human wisdom, humor and folly. Published by Levine Mesa Press of Taos, New Mexico, this carefully indexed 600-page collection of anecdotes, fables, legends and myths has been assembled over a 20-year period by Charles Francis, a prominent communications professional. Organized alphabetically for easy access, the book contains more than 1,200 items in 158 different categories ranging from Accounting to Time. Set in bold type with generous spacing, the book is easily readable for all ages. In the book's forward, Mr. Francis points out that anecdotes have been used throughout history to improve human communications. Jesus used anecdotes (then called parables) to teach his followers, Abraham Lincoln, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill and John F. Kennedy all used anecdotes to make their communications more powerful and memorable.
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mikedanasisawit.com Mike Dann: As I Saw It, CBS Television Programming Executive
Mike. Dann, one of network television’s most colorful executives, in his vivid account of life at the heart of the broadcasting industry between 1948 and 1970. Through Dann’s eyes we follow the evolution of television, from the birth of the first full network schedule through the creation of shows such as Today and Tonight and the fall of prime-time giants such as The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. Along the way, Dann reveals never-before-told stories: Dave Garroway’s anger at being forced to work with a chimpanzee; how a power-crazed CBS network president seduced Judy Garland in his office; and why a fellow CBS executive may have been fed marijuana-laced cookies by a rebellious star.Reveling in the drama and excitement of television’s golden years, Dann recounts the highs and lows of working with legends such as Mary Martin, Lucille Ball, Danny Kaye and Jackie Gleason, not to mention the pressure of working under broadcasting pioneers NBC chairman General David Sarnoff and CBS chairman William S. Paley.
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fraternalbrotherhood.com Fraternal Brotherhood - Fraternity Hazing, Rumbles, Gang Fights, Keg Parties. The Definitive Book of Fraternity Stories
Fraternal Brotherhood is the definitive book on high school fraternities. Fraternity Hazing, Gang Fights and Keg Parties were a way of life
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thomasmorison.com Thomas Morison - Canadian Playwright, Novelist
Site Description Here.
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bookexcerpts.com Free Book Excerpts : Free Book Excerpts showcases excerpts from fiction and non-fiction books.
Free Book Excerpts showcases excerpts from fiction and non-fiction books.
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