Fats: 4,936 results found.
low sugar, no salt, artificial flavours or fats
Welcome to Dark Energy Chocolates. This is a collection of eight chocolate recipes developed specifically for those of us who are actively changing our love ofchocolate- towardshealthier eating and lucious taste experiences- away from sugar,chemical flavouringsand unhealthy fats. Every treat in a Dark Energy box is made with organic high quality Single Origin chocolate with a minimum cacao content of 73 - 75%. All flavour infusionscome from dried natural sources such as rose petals, berries, citrus peel, teas andfresh ground organic nuts. Round Dark Energy truffles are made with teas and flowers infused in cream, but there are no syrups or sugars or artificial fats to make a smooth creamy centre. Instead, these truffles are dense and somewhat hard with the emphasis on chocolate and strong flavours. The other recipes offer crystallized ginger and fruit with most of the sugar stripped away so their flavours are never overwhelmed by sugar. Enjoy.
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