Figuration: 405 results found.
Figurative paintings of Vlada Mirkovic
...The universe which Vlada leads us into through his paintings is perhaps
the one which alice found beyound the looking-glass. It is not fairground world
with light relief or escape routes, althrough the sky is always blue there.
Architectures are rigorous, and faceless Man confronts his destiny and measures
himself to it. Maybue Vlada brings us there to give us the privilege of seeking
the truth there in. Again proof of fragility, of our own fragility, is present.
The balance and harmony however contradict what might be frightening in this
world which obliges us to introspection. The intelligence of artist is to hold
our hand and reassure us, as he leads us along his pictural path, much as Dante
did before him... ~
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Suzanne Betz Art
Suzanne Betz's paintings hover between figuration and abstraction... figures appear and disappear beneath veils of color. Her paintings are a reflection of her personal inner journey. ~
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