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The Weather Wiz Daily Long Range Weather forecasts
The weather wiz is a site that shares scientifically predictions of long range future weather forecast to a high degree of accuracy. Between 83 and 87 percent accuracy in weather forecasts over the past six years! Improvement in our accuracy has increased dramatically with the onset of the computer explosion. Graduates of Jim Witt's weather program went on to get their doctorates in Meteorology and Computer Sciences and are now making their mark in prestigious positions such as Director of Research of the National Hurricane Center, The Lead Forecaster for the NASA manned flight center, The Executive Vice President of Accu-weather, The Head Scientist and Director of the National Center for Atmospheric Research. Another student has written the computer program which all meteorologists in the world use each day to make their weather forecasts. We also produce a Long-Range Weather Calendar for the northeastern section of the United States. These Calendars are sold and every penny raised goes directly to charity for children who are seriously or terminally ill or who are physically or mentally challenged. ~
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