Lindy Foss Quillet - Artiste peintre
Lindy Foss-Quillet's work is essentially abstract, colour is the predominant force, the vivacious tones highlight the emotional nature of the work. La peinture de Lindy Foss-Quillet, dans la mouvance des grands mouvements de la peinture abstraite, se rapprochant, selon les époques, de l'abstraction lyrique ou de l'expressionnisme abstrait.
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The Humanitarian FOSS Project - Home
The Humanitarian-FOSS Project is a research effort ,funded by the NSF CPATH program, aimed at testing the hypothesis that humanitarian free and open source software development (Humanitarian-FOSS), done within the context of a real-world problem-solving environment, can help revitalize undergraduate computing education. The Humanitarian FOSS Project is a growing community of academic computing departments, IT corporations, and local and global humanitarian and community organizations dedicated to building and using Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) to benefit humanity.
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