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Theresa Jessing fra DR2´s Bonderøven
Theresa Maria Jessing fra DR2´s `Bonderøven´ har udgivet `Julebogen´ for Politikens forlag. Derudover arbejder hun med illustration i firmaet `Sort Lakrids´ og sælger opskrifter til babytøj, garn, strikkepinde, (Povl Kjærs gyngefår, strik fra Momo By Wahlgreen, bøjler fra Muggie Moscow, futter fra Glerups), kunsthåndværk og design.
Sortlakrids.dk ~
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Bible Quizzes - QuizCorner.com
Bible Quizzes - QuizCorner.com. Good place to check your Bible knowledge. Bible Quiz available at different levels (Basic / Classic) and based on different books (Genesis / Judges / Gospels). Entirely free. No limit on number of times the Bible Quiz can be taken. Hope taking the Bible Quiz will enhance your Bible knowledge.
Quizcorner.com ~
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