Gateslave: 3 results found.
Tired of manually recording temperature and humidity of your pharmacy throughout the day, worried that your records aren't up to date?
With PharmaSlave you won't have to worry any more - VVS PharmaSlave will automatically record temperature and humidity readings straight to your secure web site, NO PC needed, just Broadband, It's Safe, Secure, and Painless. - PharmaSlave will also text you if a problem arises, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can relax in the knowledge that your stock is being monitored correctly. - VVS is an Irish company who have developed a number of products using remote control and monitoring technology for use in various applications.
For information please contact: Fiona Roche BScPharmMPSI, Pharmaslave, VVS Technology Treetops, Blacklion ,Co Wicklow, 087 778 8859 ~
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