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ArtFiMed (Développement durable de la pêche artisanale méditerranéenne au Maroc et en Tunisie) is a project coordinate and carried out under the CopeMed II framework. This project is financed by the Spanish Agency for the Cooperation to Development (AECID). After finishing CopeMed phase 1, AECID was able to finance a pilot project on artisanal fisheries in Tunis (Akarit and Ghannouch) and Morocco (Dikky) as a first step in order to have practical and tangibles results and lessons learned to be implemented in the others countries and in the Mediterranean region. The objective of ArtFiMed is to contribute to reduce the poverty of the target artisan fisheries communities by improving their livelihood in the respect of the ecosystems which they exploit as to contribute to improve positive integration of these communities in the dynamic which affect them directly, in particular the management of fisheries and the development of the coastal areas. The expected results concern three different levels: i) results obtained at the three artisan communities where the project is carried out; ii) results obtained at country level (Morocco and Tunisia) and particularly lessons learned and promotion of the artisanal fisheries at national scale and finally iii) result obtained at the GFCM dimension, strengthening the artisanal fisheries information and promoting lessons learned and methodologies at regional scale. Priority actions include: the promotion of structures and process of organizations of fishermen (with in prospect evolution towards co-management for the artisanal fisheries); reduction the illegal practices and the use of techniques destroying fishing resources, and the promotion of sustainable practices; improvement the fish value by appropriate handling and treatment of fish (after capture) and the conditions of sale; a reduction of the production costs (in connection with the promotion of fishermen’s organization); the development or reinforcement of activities for diversification (and particularly in the women clams fishery by foot in Tunisia). The selected sites to implement the project are one in Morocco, Dikky in the Tangier province situated in the Gibraltar Strait where more than 300 fishermen practising mainly hand line and other hooks gears targeting blue fin tuna and other species and two in Tunisia, Ghannouch and El Akkarit. Ghannouch represent more than 500 fishermen using different gillnets and other gears and El Akarit within the Gabès province represent more that 500 women coming from different villages around the fishing area during the intertidal periods fishing for clams by foot.
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::: FAO MEDFISIS Project Home Page
The MedFisis project (FISHERY STATISTICS AND INFORMATION SYSTEM IN THE MEDITERRANEAN) aims at creating a Mediterranean Fishery Statistics and Information System, which contributes to the sound management of the fisheries exploiting the living resources of the Mediterranean Large Marine Ecosystem.
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::: FAO ARTFIMED Project Home Page
ArtFiMed (Développement durable de la pêche artisanale méditerranéenne au Maroc et en Tunisie) is a project coordinate and carried out under the CopeMed II framework. This project is financed by the Spanish Agency for the Cooperation to Development (AECID). After finishing CopeMed phase 1, AECID was able to finance a pilot project on artisanal fisheries in Tunis (Akarit and Ghannouch) and Morocco (Dikky) as a first step in order to have practical and tangibles results and lessons learned to be implemented in the others countries and in the Mediterranean region. The objective of ArtFiMed is to contribute to reduce the poverty of the target artisan fisheries communities by improving their livelihood in the respect of the ecosystems which they exploit as to contribute to improve positive integration of these communities in the dynamic which affect them directly, in particular the management of fisheries and the development of the coastal areas. The expected results concern three different levels: i) results obtained at the three artisan communities where the project is carried out; ii) results obtained at country level (Morocco and Tunisia) and particularly lessons learned and promotion of the artisanal fisheries at national scale and finally iii) result obtained at the GFCM dimension, strengthening the artisanal fisheries information and promoting lessons learned and methodologies at regional scale. Priority actions include: the promotion of structures and process of organizations of fishermen (with in prospect evolution towards co-management for the artisanal fisheries); reduction the illegal practices and the use of techniques destroying fishing resources, and the promotion of sustainable practices; improvement the fish value by appropriate handling and treatment of fish (after capture) and the conditions of sale; a reduction of the production costs (in connection with the promotion of fishermen’s organization); the development or reinforcement of activities for diversification (and particularly in the women clams fishery by foot in Tunisia). The selected sites to implement the project are one in Morocco, Dikky in the Tangier province situated in the Gibraltar Strait where more than 300 fishermen practising mainly hand line and other hooks gears targeting blue fin tuna and other species and two in Tunisia, Ghannouch and El Akkarit. Ghannouch represent more than 500 fishermen using different gillnets and other gears and El Akarit within the Gabès province represent more that 500 women coming from different villages around the fishing area during the intertidal periods fishing for clams by foot.
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::: FAO COPEMED Project Home Page
The FAO sub-regional project “Co-ordination to Support Fisheries Management in the Western and Central Mediterranean” (COPEMED) started in 1996 and came to an end in May 2005. The project was funded by the Spanish Government through the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation (AECI) and covered the Western and Central sub-regions of the Mediterranean: Algeria, France, Italy, Libya, Malta, Morocco, Tunisia and Spain. The Ministerial Conference, At the Ministerial Conference on sustainable fisheries management in the Mediterranean held in November of 2003 in Venice, Spain and the European Commission (EC) agreed to support Phase II of the project. The second phase will build on the results obtained during the first phase. The objective of the project aims at maintaining the sustainability of the marine fisheries in the Central and Western Mediterranean Sea and its ecosystem, taking into consideration environmental, biological, economical, social and institutional issues.
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