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Glossary: 87,356 results found. AllAsk Glossary of computer and Internet terms :: Home Page
AllAsk is a simple and plain English online glossary of common computer and internet terms.  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check Music Glossary and Musical Definitions for your Music Lessons
A Music Glossary of all Music Terms and Music Definitions for your Lessons. Find resources on Music Lessons, Musician Gifts, Music Tshirts, Music Gifts, Music Party Favors, Gifts for Musicians, and more! A virtual Music Dictionary at your fingertips.  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check HostBoom
HostBoom is a top 10 review site, dedicated to keeping you informed on the best hosting providers.  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check Historia de las civilizaciones - Mapa histórico/Historical map:
Historia de las Civilizaciones. Mapas. Glosario. Enciclopedia  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check XOCECO USA ODM OEM TV manufacturer
U.S. contact site of XOCECO OEM ODM TV manufacturing and company services for LCD and plasma production in North America.  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check The ISO Standard Glossary. International Standards from ISO 9000 to ISO 17799 and Beyond
The ISO Standard Glossary: ISO 9000, ISO 14000, ISO 17799, ISO 19011....  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check All - Glossary of Internet Terminology
zModem refers to a fastest file transfer protocol and therefore the most popular. Yahoo one of the early search engine providers, is current one of the major search engine. Not only search engine, Yahoo also provides sevices like Yahoo! Finance, Yahoo! Shopping and etc. XML (Extensible Markup Language) refers to an all purpose markup languages that allows user to define elements. It aid application to structured data, and also serves as a document that allows sharing from different platform. Wiki refers to a website that uses wiki software, often allow easy generation and editing of interlinked webpages. Normally Wikis are used in community websites and one of the well known are Wikipedia. White Label refers to a product or services that a manufacturer produce which can be rebrand and sell by other companies as their own product. Want refers to a form that covered by human needs. Want is different across people around the world, and it's depend on individual personailty and culture. VPN are denoted as Virtual Private Network. It is a secure method of accessing the private network through public communication lines and networks. User interface or normally understand as web pages, is a graphical representation that’s allow user to interact with the system. It is the core component of web pages and, by developing a good user interface will allow the company to achieve the wanted branding/positioning. Usability refers to how easy or hard to navigate and use the websites. Usability should always be part of the planning process, as once usability fails, the web fails. One of the important rule graphicFuse employ is first time user only requires 5 min to understand and know how to use the whole website. URL (Uniform Resource Locator) refers to web addresses that allow redirection to the specific web server. Normally a URL has an expiry date, which needs to be renewed every one year. Touch Point refers to different areas that the companies would interface to their customer. Example are like blogs, televisions adv, your sale person meeting up with client, and etc. Total Visits refers to measureable terms that track the number of visitors that come into the website over a period of time (Normally one month). One of the core services graphicFuse provides is Internet Marketing, which allow higher total visit per month using different tactics and strategies. Target Audience refers to a group of people sharing common needs and behaviors/personality that the website decides to serve. Bringing the correct target audience into the website greatly contributes to the sale conversion of the company. It is one of the most important factors each website must look into. Style Sheets is a document attach to each web pages that employ standards for the whole websites. Some of the standards are fonts, border colors, and others. Spam refers to an abuse of electronic messaging systems (email) that sent large amounts of unwanted messages to user. Social Networking Sites refers to an online community that allows user to share interests, experiences, memories, activities to others. Few of the well known social networking sites are facebook, friendsters, myspace, and etc. RSS are denoted as Rich Site Summary or Real Simply Syndication. It is a commonly used protocol for sharing and syndicating content such as a blog. QuickTime is a multimedia technology developed by Apple Computer. It is a popular format for creating and storing sound, graphics, and movie (.mov) files. Product refers to a physical goods, or a services that can satisfy a human needs or wants. Packet Jam refers to packets that are delayed resulting in document that cannot be reassembled and displayed. Packet jam are often resolved by pressing ‘stop’ and reloading which request a fresh copy of the document and likely to be sent without jamming. Packet upon retrieval of document via the WWW, the document are sent in ‘packets’ and are reassembled when they arrive at your end, occurring using TCP/IP protocol. ODBC are denoted as Open Database Connectivity and is a standard allowing application to access different databases in a uniform way. Newsgroup refers to discussion group operated through the Internet. Need refers to a kind of human state of felt deprival. Human have many needs, and can be categories into 3 type, the Physical needs, Social needs and Individual needs. Microsoft SQL Server refers a database server provided by Microsoft. One of the main database type use for most of the graphicFuse projects. Meta Search Engine are search engines that automatically submit your keyword search to other search tools, and retrieve results from all their databases. Menu Bar is a form of navigation that allow user to navigate through the websites. It is important that good and effective planning must be done before developing the menu bar, as a user should not takes more than 5 min to understand how to navigate and use the website. Marketplace refers to a place that allow to connect buyers and sellers in anyforms of transaction. Take for example, an online shopping carts is a marketplace for visitors to view and buy from the seller. Marketing is not a technology. Marketing is a set of processes that creates, communicates, and deliver values to customer. One of the main aims of marketing is providing value to customer, and creates customer satisfaction. Link refers to URL imbedded in another document. Upon clicking the link, usually a highlighted text or button, outside URL is retrieved. By searching the field ‘link’, the text in the imbedded URLs is being retrieved. Keywords refers to phrases or words that describe content and can be used as metadata for describing text documents, images, web pages and database records. Keywords are used via the web as words that identify the content of the web or as search terms for search engines. Java is a network-oriented programming language and is specifically designed for programs writing. It can be safely downloaded to your computer through the Internet and run immediately without fear of viruses or other harm to our computer or files. IP Address or IP Number are denoted as Internet Protocol number or address. It is a unique number involving 4 parts separated by dots, e.g. 136.116.384.1 iFrame refers a kind of technology that enables webpages to hold another inline component within the html page. HTML are denoted as Hypertext Markup Language. It is a standardized language of computer code and often imbeds within it other programming languages and applications such as Javascript, SGML, XML, CGI-script and more. HTML are imbedded in "source" documents behind all Web documents, containing the textual content, links to other documents , images , other applications such as sound or motion and formatting instructions for display on the screen. Groups refers to Discussion forums one can participate in, form community and share ideas with. Frame are format for web documents that fragments the screen into segments. By selecting a category of documents in one frame shows the contents of the category in another frame. eCommerce refers to the conducting of business over the internet. Domain Name refers to a unique name/label that is used to identify the IP addresses of the web server. Using of domain name allow user to easily remember the addresses as there are meaning behind each name. Demand refers to a human want, which is backed by buying power. A customer will choose the best package in thier enviroment. Given the wants and required resources, consumer will demand on products. Cost per Click refers to advertisement that place in other website, where each click on the advertisement will generate a small amount of income. Cookie is a file that make up of text messages, capable of storing access information within the client computer. It is commonly used to store shopping cart information, user information, and etc. Chat refers to communication between two or more people in real time on the web by typing. It is similar to email, using a text based communication media, but in real time. Caching refers to a method that used by web browser to store previous responses data from web server. One of the examples was web pages that were surfed previously. The purposes of caching is to reduce the amount data required to send over the network, this is done by reusing duplicated data that were used previously. Browser is a computer application that able to translate Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) into an interface, or also known as a website. There are different browsers available in the market, and some examples are Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. Blog , or previously known as web log, is an online journal that are commonly used today. Some of the free blog providers namely are ,, and etc. Bandwidth refers to the amount of measureable data that can transact from one server to another under a period of time. Bandwidth can be measured by bits or bytes. Avatar refers to a computer character that represents the user (himself or herself). It is normally used in computer games, forum, or applications. Applet refers to a software application that able to run within a web browser. It usually have limited functionality and has no independent use. Asynchronous JavaScript and XML refers to a web development techniques that create interactive web application. Using AJAX, you will be able to change a portion of the website content without refreshing the whole page. Agnostic Platform refers to a system/application that can be run on any kinds of platform like Windows, Unix, Mac, Linux, etc. Advertising Space refers to a specific location within your website where an advertisement can be placed. You can place several advertisement in a website, but you should have a strategy before doing so.  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check Inventory Optimization Experts
Inventory accounts for about 50% of your assets and is the key to serving your customers better. This website is dedicated to the small to mid-sized manufacturer or distributor looking to automate but wanting to make sure your purchasing decisions are based on knowledge and awareness of the latest and most cost effective inventory optimization technology available.  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check MANUAL OF DECORATION, ARCHITECTURE, INTERIOR DESIGN AND BUILDING MATERIAL by Lightmysite
Manual and glossary of decoration, architecture, interior design and building material.  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check Stevie Cooks - Home
Hi! My name is Stevie Rachmuth. I live in Manhattan, am sixteen years old, and love to cook and bake. I started baking when I was five and started cooking not soon after. Whether it was from watching my mom, cousin, or the food network channel, I have lear  ~   Site Info   Whois   Trace Route   RBL Check  

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