Coates' Goats - San Clemente & Catalina Island Goats
The historic and cultural tales surrounding goats on Catalina, San Clemente, and a few other islands off of California and Baja. A time line including world events and quirky little known facts. How does the story of the Catalina Island and San Clemente Island goats converge and how does it differ? Some Island goats were removed or rescued, others eliminated or exterminated, yet a few small herds were maintained intact. Although no one can dispute the dire ecological consequences that resulted from goats on islands, it is still worthwhile to ask: how did the goats arrive on the Islands in the first place more than 200 years ago? What damage did they cause? How can their conservation off-island, in controlled breeding programs, help to add needed genetic diversity to domestic herds? We will also feature an extensive image gallery comparing Island goats from different lines, as well as videos showing existing domestic herds.
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3M Boer Goats - Boer Goats in Kansas
Goat Farm that specializes in Boer Goats with registered fullblood Boer Goats, Breeding Bucks, Reference Bucks, Foundation Does, Colored Boers,Spotted,Dapple,Polka-Dot Boers,Solid Black Boers, New Kids, 4H Winners
3mboergoats.com ~
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