Katharine Gonda
Katharine Gonda uses materials sculpturaly and fluidly, working with tactility of form she employs an instinctual sense of shape and structure, she challenges the viewer with a synasthetic experience, but never allows the meaning to become cloying or trite.
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Gonda Events
We specialize in floral and balloon design and decor and
invite you to explore our world of event decoration.
We hope that your visit will bring a better insight to our commitment to help create a unique and special event for you. We look forward to working with you to make your dream a reality...
Always a great deal for any event!
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Tina Gonda TriVita Nopalea
TriVita. The Mission is to build an extraordinary resource for people who want to make a positive difference in their life. I believe that people can improve the course of their lives by adopting & living by truth; therefore I feel a responsibility to search for, live by, and share, life changing principals in health, wellness, fitness, and beauty. TriVita, Tina Gonda, Bryan Wirth, Inside Out Wellness Solutions, health, wellness, fitness, beauty, sonoran bloom, Nopalea, Scottsdale, share and earn, cooperative marketing In addition, I offer an opportunity for those who are looking to supplement their income without making a large investment, or are looking to create an exit strategy from their current employment situation... Nopalea Wellness Challenge, Leanology, B-12.
Tinagonda.com ~
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