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Nepal Meditation Center conducts the Yoga/Meditation program for those people who wants to be efficient and strong from the mind in their professional field, life-style, daily activities, by balancing in their hand/heart and head (mind). Actually those people who are advanced in physical facilities, most of them are far from cultural/spiritual (inner) values.patanjali yoga,herbal hteraphy,yoga & Meditation, meditation, yoga, naturopathy, complementary meditation, natural health, nature health, natural medicine, spa treatment, astang yoga, hatha yoga, samadhi,patanjali yoga, kundalini, plexes, health, pranayama, asans, posture,hearbals, message, theraphy, himalayan herbal, herbal meditcine, herbal hteraphy, fitness, yarsa gumba, naturoathy hospital, healing centre, therapeutic health, spa health, dhyana, spa health centre, bhddha dhayana, buddhist meditation, meditation buddha
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