Homer Audio Histories
Homer Audio Histories grew out of a hobby - recording the stories of children; the life accounts of adults and seniors; and the many experiences of military veterans, missionaries, newly married couples and new parents.
Audiohistories.com ~
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Thomas, Hachten, Theobald, South, Staves genealogy, Sutter Family History
Ancestors of Hachten Family History, Thomas Family History, hachten geneaology, hachten, thoms genealogy, thomas family history pa, hachten's of USA and Gemany, Thomas's from wales, PA and NY.
Family-histories.com ~
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Forensic Metallurgy
Court certified expert on failures of machinery, tools, vehicles, boats, airplanes, furniture,structures, buildings, plumbing, involving metals, glass and plastics due to design, manufacturing or usage.
Forensicmetallurgy.com ~
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