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recon-marketing GmbH - Medienvertretung & Marktforschung
Medienvertretung, Anzeigenvertretung, Verlagsvertretung, Heilbronn, Hettenbach, Hutt-Verlag, Mein Eigenheim, Pauker, Holzmann-Verlag, VWEW-Verlag, Deutsche Handwerkszeitung / DHZ, Leder Häute Markt, Telekom-Training, VGE-Verlag
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AMB Software / Start
amb software, specialists in online technologies, production of sites (web design) and applications for the Internet, creation of B2B and B2C products (logistics, management, calculation, data storage), database applications - analysis, modelling and assembly of clients projects, modernisation and integration of old software for use with new technologies.
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