The Value Of Things | A new exhibition not to be missed
The Value Of Thing Exhibition at the Parlour Studio & Project Space. 5th - 10th March 2011. Featured artists are: Huw Andrews, Daisy McMullan, Miro et Moi, Miles Joseph, Munzio /Colourkid, Katherine Tolladay, May Wing-Ting Ho, Wen Wu, Ann Pitkin, Avigal Rachel Pommert, Samin Valentine Ghiasi and mOrganiac.
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Die MUSIKWERKSTATT WIEN wurde 1995 von Mag. Anna-Maria Birnbauer und Huw Rhys James gegründet, um die Weiterentwicklung der zeitgenössischen Musik, insbesondere des zeitgenössischen Musiktheaters, zu fördern und mitzugestalten, sowie Musik und Oper des Barocks zu pflegen und wiederzubeleben. The Musikwerkstatt Wien (Vienna Music Workshop) was founded in 1995 by Huw Rhys James and Mag. Anna-Maria Birnbauer to foster the development of contemporary music and in particular contemporary music theatre in Austria, as well as to promote and revive the works of Austrian composers of the Baroque period.
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