S.L.A.M. is located in central Massachusetts and we are dedicated to raising awareness of Chronic Lyme Disease and we work to support State and Federal Lyme legislation.
Lyme Disease is an epidemic and we must fight together to pass lyme legislation that provides easier access to lyme literate doctors and insurance coverage. Check out our up to date lyme facts and please contact S.L.A.M. for our monthly Tick Talk support group dates.
S-l-a-m.org ~
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Lyme Resource Medical, PC
Dr. Raxlen’s philosophy of treatment views Lyme Disease syndrome as a complex infectious-neuro-immune phenomenon. A diagnosis is made based on the patient’s comprehensive medical history, physical examination, symptom presentation, and advanced serological testing.
Lymeresourcemedical.com ~
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The official website of Dr. E. Murakami and the Murakami Centre for Lyme. Dedicated to research, education & assistance for those with Lyme in Canada.
Murakamicentreforlyme.org ~
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