Publique - Referential Publishing Portal
For Dynamic Analysis and Response. Not Formulaic Dogma. Publique will be repository of knowledge based on a revoutionary referential publising system. The development of the front-end of publique portal has been brought forward as a tool to expose the failure of the hard left in the west to practically support the uprisings in libya and the revolutions across the Arab world. As those on the left who call themselves revolutionaries, such as the socialist workers party, have a dogmatic formulaic response to imperialism that leaves them on the opposite side to the Arab rebels.
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The online learning materials available on this site are maintained by Mr. Thomas Caswell, a certified veteran New York State social studies teacher.
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FIRE Collective
FIRE Collective - Fight Imperialism, Rethink and Experiment - is a radical collective that is rethinking communism and organizing for revolution, based out of Houston, Texas.
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Publique: Index to the Arabian Revolutions Betrayed
Publique: Arabian Revolutions Betrayed: Western socialists on the Gaddafi payrole abandon the Arab rebels to face the tanks alone. Arab Awakening in Jeopardy. Placards of the Socialist Workers Party are dripping with Arab blood . Hang the Henchmen, resist the renegade Workers Revolutionary Party. Revolutions Betrayed. The placards of the SWP are dripping Libyan Blood. Campaigners of Stop the War, Hands off Libya!, Hands of the Middle East, have all forgotten is that the conflict in Libya did not start as an imperialist plot, but by a popular uprising. This crisis did not begin as an oil rush like the Bush and Blair invasion of Iraq. So what if the big powers are plotting and scheming now, that is no reason to abandon a genuine revolution. The war is a war between the people of Libya and it's dictator, which side are you on? Are you supporting the revolts or the sheikhs and dictators? The SWP has betrayed the revolution both in Britain and Arabia. SWP, WRP, RCP and other assorted Trotskyists on the payroll are all supporting the dictator Colonel Gadaffi against the Libyan protestors. The formulaic anti-imperialism dogma of the SWP is a prescription to destroy the Arab revolt. Libyan Revolution Betrayed. Another Revolution Betrayed.
Megavyzia.org ~
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Encyclopedia of the New American Nation
Encyclopedia of the New American Nation: Ab-Al, Al-Am, Am-Ar, Ar-Bi, Bl-Ch, Ch-Co, Co-Da, Da-El, Co-Eu, En-Fl, Fl-Ga, Ga-He, Hi-Im, Im-Ju, Ke-Lo, Lo-Mc, Me-Mu, Mu-Ne, Ne-Pa, Pa-Po, Po-Pr, Pr-Re, Re-Ro, Ro-Sl, Ru-St, St-Tr, Tr-Wa, Wa-Wo, and Wo-Z
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World Forum for Alternatives
The World Forum for Alternatives is an international network aimed at supporting the international convergence of social movements and other actors of the Civil Society from below.
It creates spaces for reflection and coordination, providing social movements and ONGs, with tools for information and analysis on the globalization of resistances, and contributing to broadcast information about the existing international struggles.
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