Vesta-Zentrum im Bergischen Land
Reiki,Selbtserfahrung,Channeling,Energenetics,Vesta Zentrum erteilt Seminare in Astrologie,Energietransfer,Azidose-Kuren,Tarotseminare,Trancetanz,Tarot,Ausbildung in Planen und leiten eigener Seminare.
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Schreibwerkstatt Ingeborg Woitsch Berlin, Poesietherapie, Schreiben, Kurzgeschichten, biografisches Schreiben
Ingeborg Woitsch, Schreibwerkstatt, Poesietherapie, Schreiben, Kurzgeschichten, biografisches Schreiben, Berlin
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Floral bead jewelry gallery by Svetlana Eltsova
Svetlana Eltsova's Floral 3-D Jewelry. Svetlana enjoys making stunning pieces of jewelry with high quality seed beads, crystal or glass beads, as well as with semiprecious stones even more, when wear it. Her botanical inspired jewelry is both simple and elegant at the same time with all its abundance of bloom and color, though. She produces one-off show pieces of wearable art as well as commissioned work.
Svetlanaeltsova.com ~
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