El Observador Foundation
El Observador Foundation Inc. provides assistance to students with mentoring, internships, referral to apprentice programs and scholarships needed to complete the degree requirements of their four year academic programs.
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Y Team Mental Health Program - Home
Our ProgramThe Y Team is a mental health program of YMCA of the East Bay. We contract with the Mental Health Department of Contra Costa County and the West Contra Costa Unified School District to provide school-based mental health services throughout the
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The Humanitarian FOSS Project - Home
The Humanitarian-FOSS Project is a research effort ,funded by the NSF CPATH program, aimed at testing the hypothesis that humanitarian free and open source software development (Humanitarian-FOSS), done within the context of a real-world problem-solving environment, can help revitalize undergraduate computing education. The Humanitarian FOSS Project is a growing community of academic computing departments, IT corporations, and local and global humanitarian and community organizations dedicated to building and using Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) to benefit humanity.
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