the promised land camp
The Promised Land Camp,summer camp,group retreats,camp rental,affordable camp,family camping,tent camping,R.V.site, promised land camp,group rentals,christian camp
Thepromisedlandcamp.com ~
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Juanita Fields Foundation
Juanita Fields Foundation, Inc. is a public benefit, nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation organized and operated for educational and charitable purposes. In furtherance of these purposes, the Foundation administers a scholarship program.
If you or someone you know would like to apply for the Juanita Fields Foundation Scholarship, please click here
Juanitafields.org ~
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Helping Hands of Minnesota
Helping Hands of Minnesota, jail ministry, food ministry, Spring Valley Minnesota, Rochester Minnesota, Racine Minnesota, mission trip, MN, southeast MN, Southeast Minnesota, ministry, Jesus, Christ, para church, non-denomination, non-denominational, help, food, jail, prison, non profit, not for profit, 501 c 3, non-profit, southeast, missions trip, mission trip, helping hands, heart, christian, religious, religion, scripture, bible, biblical, flood, relief, Rochester ministries, Rochester Minnesota ministries, Rochester Minnesota ministry, helping hands ministry, Stewartville Minnesota,
Helpinghandsofmn.com ~
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