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Thomas Reibke
I live in Copenhagen, but work anywhere - especially in places I can find curious and passionate people to work with.I work as process facilitator, consultant and trainer in the fields of organizational change, leadership, innovation and idea development. I work with teams and leaders around increasing creative and innovate capabilities in companies and organizations.I have worked with international clients and partners within the fields of design, architecture, advertising, digital and interactive communication a.o.I have also worked in the public sector for city councils and ministries. This work has evolved around vision building, strategy and idea development as well as citizen and user involvement around political agendas and city development.Im a graduated Kaospilot and hold an Ma in Cultural and Creative Leadership from University of Portsmouth, UK.I currently run two small design and innovation consultancies with different ~
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En ledande leverantör av skor, konfektion och hårdvara till specialbutiker & sportfackhandeln. Brädkulturen är hjärtat i vårt företag , och utifrån det sätter vi våra mål och ideal, såväl ledning som personal. ~
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