Jukeboxes: 1,282 results found.
Jukebox Repair
Antique jukeboxes,CD jukeboxes,video games pooltables,pinball machines, coin operated equipment. Jukebox restoration|Service calls to your home in Dade | Broward | Palm Beach Counties. Wurlitzer| Rock-ola |Seeburg | Rowe Ami. Over 56 years in Jukebox repairs.
Yvemaenterprises.com ~
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Seeburg Jukeboxes| Jukebox Auctions
Jukeboxes have been an integral part of American and European life for so many years now.Picture a jukebox and you have images of young teenagers rockin' round the clock,dancing to a swinging beat or at the very least it will invoke images of 'The Fonz' being as cool as only 'The Fonz' can be !
Seeburgjukebox.org ~
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