The Greatest Good - Consulting
The Greatest Good is a unique firm formed with the goal of applying rigorous, cutting-edge data analysis and economic methods to the most salient problems of business and philanthropy. Our founders are an elite group of leading economists, including Andrew Rosenfield, a pioneer in using economics to analyze legal and business issues, Steven Levitt, author of the best-selling Freakonomics books, and John List, the world's foremost experimental economist.
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Index Funds
Index Funds: The 12-Steps for Active Investors Step 2: Nobel Laureates
IndexFunds.com strives to be an open, comprehensive, and independent information site on index investing, as well as an advocate for investors of all types. IndexFunds.com is an independent Web site that is the authority on index funds, promoting a commonsense approach to investing that seeks to minimize expenses and maximize returns.
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William M. Runyan
William M. Runyan, PhD, is a professor in the school of Social Welfare, and a research psychologist at the institute of Personality and Social Research of the University of California, Berkeley. He has also written and co-authored many books and articles.
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Addiction Heuristics
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