Knoth: 68 results found.
Knoth Photography - Denise Knoth
If you are here looking at my photos, you are either a friend or family and the very people who I love to take pictures of. I know it can be annoying always seeing me with a camera in my hand, but it is what I love to do and I couldn't imagine being without it! I know as you look through these photos you will find yourself smiling at least once or twice and that is what it's all about! So, enjoy! You will more than likely be sporting a smile for me very soon so I can add yet another great picture to my site!
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Thomas Knoth | Ausstellungen
Einfachheit, Strenge und formale Reduktion charakterisieren die Werke des Bildhauers Thomas Knoth. 1961 in Neustrelitz geboren, 1982 - 1985 Designstudium an der FH Schneeberg FB Holz, 1985 - 1990 Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee FB Bildhauerei, 1991 Arbeitsstipendium des Senats für kulturelle Angelegenheiten Berlin, 1992 Stipendium der Stiftung Kulturfonds, 1994 Stipendium des Kunstfonds Bonn, 1995 & 2000 Arbeitsaufenthalt Chicago, 1997 - 1999 Lehrauftrag an der Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee, 1999 - 2005 Lehrauftrag Kunstwerkstatt Rudolstadt e.V., 2005 Arbeitsstipendium Thüringen, 2006 Fachgruppenleiter Künstlerisch-gestalterische Grundlagen FH Zwickau, Seitentitel: Thomas Knoth | Ausstellungen ~
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