Falkland Penguins Bluff Cove Lagoon
Falkland Penguins Bluff Cove Lagoon Tour, by a spectacular white sand beach, is home to over 900 breeding pairs of Gentoo penguins. There is a small colony of King Penguins, and our second King Penguin chick bred at the Lagoon will reach maturity this year. Magellanic Penguins visit from their nesting burrows on nearby East Island. Occasionally Rockhopper Penguins come to moult later in the season. Skuas, gulls, Turkey Vultures and Snowy Sheathbills hang around the rookery, hoping to take eggs or chicks from unwary penguins. UplandGeese, Ruddy-headed Geese, Magellanic Oystercatchers, Giant Petrels, Logger Ducks and many other birds nest nearby. Southern Sea-lionsfrom East Island sometimes patrol the beach. We have the occasional visiting Elephant Seal. Peale’s and Commersons’s Dolphins like playing in the surf. Further down the beach there is a colony of Kelp Gulls, with Dolphin Gulls and South American Terns nesting amongst them. Around the café are lots of breeding smaller birds including Two-banded Plovers, Black-throated Finches and White-rumped Sandpipers, scuttling in amongst the Sea Cabbage.
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