Lézeres szemműtét, szürkehályog műtét, rövidlátás, távollátás, PRK, LASIK, LASEK lézerkezelés a Saint James Hospital Szemészeti Klinikán
Lézeres szemműtét, fájdalommentesen, és gyorsan. Éleslátás egy életre, kontaktlencse és szemüveg nélkül. Ezt kínálja a Sain James Hospital Szemészeti Klinika, ahol gyakorlott orvosaink várják!
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Peninsula Laser Eye Medical Group of Mountain View, San Jose and San Francisco Bay Area | LASIK, LASEK, Cataract, ICL, RLE, Wavefront Surgeons
Performing LASIK in San Jose, Mountain View and throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, Peninsula Laser Eye Medical Group is a premier refractive surgery practice. We also offer PRK, LASEK, and more to San Jose, Mountain View, and Bay Area refractive surgery patients. Also serving residents in the Sunnyvale, Saratoga, and Los Gatos areas, Peninsula Laser Eye Medical Group is dedicated to providing the highest quality care available in a professional and friendly environment.Welcome to Peninsula Laser Eye Medical Group, specialists in refractive and cataract surgeries. Dr. Beers and Dr. Volpicelli have been named “the best surgeons in the Bay Area” by San Jose Magazine. They have served as the Chief of Ophthalmology at El Camino Hospital and are on the clinical faculty at Stanford University. As experts in their field, they give presentations and courses at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery and the American Academy of Ophthalmology. They're the surgeons of choice for many Bay Area physicians. We're different from “LASIK-only” practices because we specialize in all types of refractive surgeries, such as LASEK, Implantable Collamer Lens, and Refractive Lens Exchange. We also perform cataract surgery and corneal transplants. Our patients come to us not just for one procedure but for a life time of care.
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