laser therapy, laser diagnosis, LLLT, softlaser, laser acupuncture, laseracupuncture, biostimulation, epilation
Medical laser, laser therapy soft laser for diagnosis, laser therapy, LLLT, and biostimulation, acupuncture, laserpuncture.
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Nd:YAG laser, diode pumped YAG laser system
YAG laser system and YAG laser system is pumped by laser diode. it is compact DPSS Nd:YAG laser. YAG laser can produce IR 1319 nm, 946 nm, 1444 nm 1064 nm laser and Green 532 nm laser and blue 473 nm laser, and UV 355 nm laser and UV 266 nm lasers. The DPSS YAG laser systems are manufactured by crystalaser. They are ultra-compact diode-pumped solid-state DPSS Crystal laser systems in CW and Q-switched pulsed output. The YAG, Nd:YAG green lasers are for industrial application in holography, biomedical, fluorescence, replace Argon and He-Cd lasers
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Laser Engraving
Laser engraving is a procedure that
utilizes the laser technology to engrave as well as to mark as any item.
This process is typically used in designing and labeling various product
packaging but nowadays, this is highly popular in personalizing items
and give-away products such as trophies, medals, photo frames and key
chains. Even firearms, expensive pens and iPods are also engraved through
the sue of laser.
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