东莞明义塑胶原料有限公司, 公司成立于2002年,是一家专业从事工程塑胶原料及有色金属的代理、销售为一体的商贸公司。公司在工业原料行业享有良好的信誉,并与多家知名生产厂商建立长期稳定的代理经销合作关系,拥有完善的售前、售后服务体系,提供免费技术支援和特殊材料之调配等服务项目。 ★ 支持物流,快递和货运; 支持现金,银行转账。
★ 本司原料低于500KG,不承担运费,订货10
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LCP Property Investments,, LLC
We are a multi-service company (formerly Mortgage Movers, LLC) who BUYS, REPAIRS, RENOVATES, MANAGES, and SELLS HOMES. We work with Sellers who: Are motivated to sell quickly due to transfer, divorce, job loss, income change, downsizing, death, fire and more. Simply don't want to wait the time it will take to sell their home or go through the hassle of showing their home, qualifying buyers, negotiating contracts or fixing up the property for sale. Want a quick, fair, hassle free offer to sell their house. We work with several types of Buyers: Some want to secure a home, live in it now and want to explore all options in how, when and what type of financing they will get to buy the home. After our Optionee/Buyers move in, they are free to work with traditional Lenders to get 'seasoned' so they can qualify for a new loan to buy the property. We also buy homes and resell them quickly to other investors and end users. Depending on the situation, we'll do limited repairs before reselling. WE WANT TO WORK WITH YOU TOO!
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