![tariff-tr.com](http://dlcache.com/sthumb/b75/tariff-tr.com.gif) |
.Tariff-Tr.com-Tariff and Legislation of Turkey in English
Tariff-Tr.com-Tariff and Legislation of Turkey in English. Foreign Trade legislation of Turkey, tariff of Turkey, business with Turkey, legislation, Foreign Direct Investments, tax, import regime of Turkey, Turkish tax system, import export,Investment Legislation,Turkish customs, anti-dumping measures in Turkey, Turkey free zones investment standardization Foreign Exchange International Classification for standards (ICS) Foreign Currency Rates free trade agreements Harmonized Tariff, Applied Tariff, General System of Preferences (GSP)
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![watipi.fr](http://dlcache.com/sthumb/03a/watipi.fr.gif) |
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