Restaurant Lesperance restaurant zona Arcul de Triumf catering Arcul de Triumf organizari evenimente zona Arcul de Triumf meniu nunta meniu botez meniu organizari evenimente restaurant capacitate 60 locuri 90 locuri
Speranta moare ultima - spune o vorba din batrani, dar tot speranta ne poate conduce spre realizari deosebite. Reducere 20 pentru organizari evenimente in toate zilele de duminica (click aici pentru detalii)Cand speranta este cazul noului restaurant din strada Clucerului nr. 86 (chiar daca in varianta franceza), langa Arcul de Triumf, esti tentat sa intri.Daca ai facut-o deja, realizezi ca sperantele tale in domeniul culinar, devin realitate.Barul de afara se poate intrece cu orice alt bar de prestigiu din Capitala.Restaurant Lesperance are patru saloane intime, cu o capacitate totala de 64 de locuri si aer conditionat si un superb salon cu o capacitate de 90 de locuri cu multa verdeata, totul gandit pentru a crea o ambianta cat mai placuta.Restaurant Lesperance este locul ideal pentru a incheia o afacere, a sarbatori un eveniment deosebit sau, pur si simplu, locul unde te simti bine.Un personal specializat, cu inalta calificare, va sta la dispozitie pentru a va oferi servicii de catering si organizare de mese festive la sediul sau la domiciliul clientului
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Lesperance Renovation
Serving the Windsor and Essex community for three years now, Lesperance Renovations is registered with WSIB and and is fully insured. Specializing in home improvements and apartment unit renovations Lesperance Renovations can assuredly tackle most of your updating needs.
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Photography by Bernard Lesperance | Home Page
The Photography of Bernard G. Lesperance is an online portfolio of photographs by Bernard Lesperance on a wide range of subjects and themes in the tradition of reportage, photojournalism and documentary photography, including editorial photography, spot news, and feature, event, travel, portrait and street photography
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LEsperance's Photos | SmugMug
Welcome to my photo web page. I have been behind a camera from many perspectives for a long time. I began with video taping my children's athletic sports and then to working in the beauty industry with top hairdressers and makeup artists. Most of the time I was presenting work to be photographed and then it occured to me, I want control of the camera, and so began my quest to take pictures that people want. My passion is in photographing light and shadows where ever they occur, including flowers, wild life and architecture. I also love taking athletic photos. Please feel free to check out and purchase your favorite photos.
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