La Chope ?Barrock
chope, choppe, choppe ?barrock, chope ?barrock, bire, beer, malt, grains, houblons, hops, levure, yeast, vin, wine, brassage, brew, brasseur, brewer, orge, fut, emboutaillage, fermentation, festibiere, ale, lager
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vincent p. alexis
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1000 bruxelles
0032 (0)494 78 53 31
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O fromage O croûtons O cure-dents O rasoirs
O lait O épices O éponges O ________________
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O ________________ O huile d'olive O gel réchaud fondue O ________________
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O fruits O poivre O piles O savon mains
O légumes O sel O prd plaques O ________________
O pommes-de-terre O vinaigre O prd sol O après-shampooing
O ________________ O ________________ O prd vaisselle machine O gel-douche
SURGELES O ________________ O prd vaisselle main O shampooing
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O légumes O bircher O rince-éclat O Kleenex
O poissons O biscuits O sachets congél. O Labello
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# news
currently working w/tatsuro.miki&bruno.van.isacker@mood.architecture
urban campground, ongoing study
lowQ_exhibition, ongoing study
in the pigpen, house extension, building permit in progress
works w/abdelmajid.boulaioun&kathy.vanhulle@arjm
warming huts competition w/ dominique.goblet [koleos]
chaumont garden festival competition w/marie.gillet renan.le.gall [compost]
usa : 20100415-20100710
works w/lots.of.people@jaspers,partners,partners&partners
all proposals for collaborations are warmly welcome...
#stuff [copypaste the adress in your navigator if u want to see them]
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portfolio [1Mo] :
good quality one [100Mo] :
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#thanks for your interest
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