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INTERPRETING FORM AND FUNCTION 722-3628 LAS VEGAS NV. 89104 “Yul Haasmann is an “Interpreter” but not just any interpreter. His career started as an Oceanologist from the University Of Baja California, Mexico. He graduated with a average of 94.8 % , which is equivalent to 3.792 gpa.
He started to do Castilian Interpretation in New England, namely the States of Maine and Massachussets , insisting always in keeping the correct use of that Spanish Language, including the practice to call the language by its name, as opposed to the rest of the world, who call it –Spanish-.
People would call him “Spanish Interpreter” but he calls himself Castilian Interpreter.
He started to do “ Court Interpretation” in las Vegas in 1999, after passing with a score of 91 out of 100 the written examination for “court Interpreters” for the Eight Judicial District Court, created and administered by Mariteresa Rivera-Rogers, famous for its degree of difficulty , as exemplified by the fact that only about 25% of applicants would reach the passing written requirement of 70 %.
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INTERPRETING FORM AND FUNCTION 722-3628 LAS VEGAS NV. 89104 “Yul Haasmann is an “Interpreter” but not just any interpreter. His career started as an Oceanologist from the University Of Baja California, Mexico. He graduated with a average of 94.8 % , which is equivalent to 3.792 gpa.
He started to do Castilian Interpretation in New England, namely the States of Maine and Massachussets , insisting always in keeping the correct use of that Spanish Language, including the practice to call the language by its name, as opposed to the rest of the world, who call it –Spanish-.
People would call him “Spanish Interpreter” but he calls himself Castilian Interpreter.
He started to do “ Court Interpretation” in las Vegas in 1999, after passing with a score of 91 out of 100 the written examination for “court Interpreters” for the Eight Judicial District Court, created and administered by Mariteresa Rivera-Rogers, famous for its degree of difficulty , as exemplified by the fact that only about 25% of applicants would reach the passing written requirement of 70 %.
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