Lotta Studio
Lotta Studio offers photographic services ranging from childrens and business portraiture to weddings to commercial work. We are based in Brooklyn, NY and New Haven, CT, but will work anywhere, especially anywhere that requires a passport.
About Misti and Annie:
We love flea makets!
We would live at the beach and can often be found there so long as it isnt covered in ice.
We collect old Shoes, old fabrics, old things...
We met at Art school in California and where we both studied photography.
We miss In & Out Burger more than school.
Misti has more Fiastaware than anyones ever seen in once place.
Annie and Misti both thrive off awkward moments, they make us laugh...
We drink wine and collect recipies - have you ever tried figs, goat cheese, arugla, honey and almonds?
Annies passion is to photograph peacefully human rights movements, Shes worked in India and in New York for the Tibetan Peoples Movement as well as with the Burmese community in Brooklyn.
We are often barefoot.
We have a lot of stories (some of them are about roadtrips and
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Senza Censura - antimperialismo, repressione, controrivoluzione, lotta di classe, ristrutturazione, controllo
Senza Censura - antimperialismo, repressione, controrivoluzione, lotta di classe, ristrutturazione, controllo
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Vesuvio in lotta - Home
Contro discariche ed inceneritori. Per il Trattamento Meccanico Biologico (MBT): trattamento a freddo dei rifiuti. Per le dimissioni immediate del presidente dell'Ente Parco Vesuvio e di tutti i sindaci colpevoli dell'ecocidio in atto. Per una stagione dell'autogoverno collettivo. Per un nuovo piano rifiuti deciso dalle comunità locali autorganizzate. Per l'avvio reale della raccolta differenziata porta a porta. Per il salario garantito a precari e disoccupati che qui vivono disperano muoiono. Per Riciclo, Riuso e Compostaggio. Per un piano straordinario di bonifica delle aree inquinate. Contro il capitalismo della catastrofe.
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