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Hunter,Electronic Mosquito Terminator,Mosquito,Terminator,Insects,Health,Harmness,disease,repellent,coils,Hunter Mosquito Terminator,shock Mosquito,Mosquitoes,encephalitis,fatal disease,swelling of brain tissues,infections,dengue fever,malaria,filariasis,skin irritation,rashes,sandfly fever,anti-malaria,takito products,takito
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Nan A. Lightstone Foundation
The Nan A. Lightstone Foundation is working to understand and overcome infectious disease. To reach these goals, the Foundation is raising funds in order to support medical research institutions specializing in the study of infectious disease, develop awareness about infectious disease, and help those whose lives have been affected or altered by an infectious disease.
Lightstonefoundation.org ~
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Hillhouse Lodge is the African home of Vance Kershner. The lodge availability is restricted for commercial use, and as a result, the lodge has become a sought after destination.
Vance fell in love with Africa and by buying land and providing the local people with jobs, he has made a major contribution to our local community. Vance’s contribution is special in that it is personal and it also does not stop simply at employment. Employees are actively developed and encouraged to reach their full potential. Most staff arrive at Hillhouse Lodge with few skills. These staff members have been trained and developed to be able to provide quality service. The change in these people after a few years is incredible to witness.
This makes Hillhouse unique in that guests get an opportunity to visit the local community and during their stay, they have far more interaction with the local people and staff.
Madikwehillhouse.com ~
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